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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Distribution of chloroplast membrane components between grana and stroma thylokoids under state 1 and state 2 conditions Plants Table - link % 107020 Staehelin LA. Chloroplast...
Midpoint redox potential of plastocyanin, Association rate constant and photosystem I reduction constant Cyanobacteria Prochlorothrix hollandica Table - link N/A 104020 Navarro JA, Myshkin E...
Iron atoms per photosystem I unit Cyanobacteria Synechocystis PCC 6803 12 unitless 100836 Keren N, Aurora R, Pakrasi...
Distance that an oxygen molecule can travel before another oxygen molecule is generated by the same PSII Unspecified ~3 µm 114990 Kihara S, Hartzler DA...
Number of photosystem I units per cell Cyanobacteria Synechocystis PCC 6803 96000 unitless 100835 Keren N, Aurora R, Pakrasi...
The stoichiometry of the complexes PS II/cytochrome bf/PS I/ATP synthase Unspecified 1: 1: 1: 1.5 N/A 107145 Mitchell R, Spillmann A...
Molecular mass of photosystem 1 (PSI) in plants Unspecified ~600 kDa 107088 The structure of a plant...
The average area of thylakoid membrane per PS II complex in the granal region Barley Hordeum vulgare 710 nm^2 107144 Mitchell R, Spillmann A...
Catalysis rates of photosystem units Generic 200 1/sec 100354 Nobel, P. S. "Plant ...
Number of chlorophyll (Chl) molecules in RC (reaction center) of PSIIα (photosystem IIα) Unspecified 210 – 250 Chl molecules 114229 Giorgos Markou et al....
Number of chlorophyll pigments in photosystem 1 (PSI) Plants 168 unitless 100905 The structure of a plant...
Number of iron atoms in photosystem I units per cell Cyanobacteria Synechocystis PCC 6803 1.2e+6 unitless 100837 Critical roles of ba...
Ground-state absorption cross section at 680 nm for LHC-II Pea Pisum sativum 13 (±0.2) Å^2 107054 Schubert A, Beenken WJ...
Excited-state absorption cross section at 680 nm for LHC-II Pea Pisum sativum 15 (±0.2) Å^2 107055 Schubert A, Beenken WJ...
Rate of nucleotide substitution human T-cell lymphotropic virus type II (HTLV-II) HTLV-II ~1E-07: HTLV-II populations that are experiencing rapid epidemic transmission >1E-04 substitution/site/year 112774 Duffy S, Shackelton LA...
Calculated density of photochemical reaction centres in plasmalemma Cyanobacteria Gloeobacter sp. 18 nmol/m^2 105047 John A. Raven Functional...
Most negative redox potential in nature-photosystem I between thylakoid lumen and stroma Generic -1 Volts 103906 Amunts A, Drory O, Nelson...
RNA polymerase II footprint Unspecified ~40 Nucleotides 107873 Selby CP, Drapkin R,...
Total myosin II concentration Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum 3.4 μM 109564 D.N. Robinson, Y.-S. Kee...
RNAse II copy number Bacteria Escherichia coli ~5,000 copies/cell 108959 Folichon M, Marujo PE...